Pathway to a balanced life    Qi Gong | Nei Gong | Martial Arts

Meet RAY

Qi Gong  |  Nei gong  |  Martial Arts

Founder of R A Y’s Studios & Thriving in Tuscany
Principal Teacher

“One cannot reflect in streaming water.
Only those who know internal peace can give it to others.”

- Lao Tzu

R A Y began her studies of Internal Martial Arts after been diagnosed with a tumor in her womb. The key for survival was introduced to her in a form of a Qi gong practice by Calligraphy Health Master Yang and this unique system gave her health, life and happiness back after a lifesaving operation.

R A Y explored several other paths including, long distance running, triathlons and preparing for an Ironman. She had excellent trainers, coached, yoga and yoga synergy teachers prior meeting Master Zhenhua Yang and his unique systems, but the breakthrough happened to R A Y when she healed herself with the technique and started practicing together with others and became and instructor teacher of Qi gong, then later of Nei gong and Internal Martial Arts.

Under the scrutinizing eyes of R A Y's Master and teachers her ability grew wider and her knowledge deepened. The wide variety of experiences had made her become a confident and unique teacher with great compassion and awareness. R A Y has been teaching Qi gong in Budapest in her studios seven days a week, after a short time leading the body & soul team at Kaqun Buda Spa. R A Y is the owner of the beautiful 500 years old retreat center in Tuscany, Italy Thriving in Tuscany where she is organizing regular workshops, retreats, private and group sessions.

R A Y practices Qi gong and Nei gong for self-healing daily and she feels privileged to share her knowledge with likeminded people and with those who want to change their lives to live happier and be healthy.

"One need a deep understanding of moving with Qi and using Qi for self-healing.
Grateful and thankful to be able to show others how can Qi gong benefit everyone from age 9 to 99."


R A Y's teaching style is relaxed and fun, while simultaneously being focused and precise. She combines her knowledge of anatomy, bodywork, TCM and acupuncture to give her teaching a unique level of depth.

R A Y's focus is to continue her studies online and in person to deepen knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine while teaching and practicing Master Yang's unique system daily.

More about R A Y

Andrea Snow (married name) was the founding president of Team Heart, Seedling Trust since 2009. She ran 37,000 charity kilometres and raised a significant amount for charitable purpose supporting worthy causes all over the world. She completed ten full, fifty half marathons, three triathlons, also trained to complete a 70.3 Ironman but sadly a scorpion bit her that started her taking another path. R A Y was an official Torchbearer of the 2012 London Olympics, and an author of two bestseller books “Heart Over Heels” and “More than a runner.” She donated the entire income of both books to support disadvantaged children living in state care in Hungary. R A Y was a sales, leasing, PR and marketing specialist of a major property & construction chain the Swedish Skanska for a decade. She was extremely successfully in this field. She graduated from Nottingham Trent University with a Master’s degree in Real Estate.


  • Calligraphy Health certified teacher for Level 1-7.
    Basic (Body Therapy), intermediate (General Program), intermediate (Yoga General Program) and advanced (Muscle Tendon Function, Bone Marrow System, Body Vibration) Qi gong, Nei gong instructor, Yang Mian Martial Arts, Female Elbow System.
  • Forest Rock Taiji & Qi Gong School in Bali. Certified Qi Gong Instructor: Five Elements Qi Gong, Long Life Qi Gong, Heaven to Earth Qi Gong, Shi Ba Shi Taiji & Qi Gong, Zhan Zhuang Qi Gong


  • Principal Teacher of Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM
  • Five Elements of Dietary Advice and Nutritional Supplements
  • The 12 meridians, 8 extraordinary Qi blood flow, and acupuncture points
  • Yin & Yang theory
  • 24 hour TCM
  • Dao Yin Insomnia Treatment
  • Inner Smile Meditation
  • Red Chair Meditation
  • Bone Washing Mediation
  • Dao Yin Toe Raising Transport and Conversion
  • Dao Yin Opening and Closing Exercises
  • The Opening and Closing of the Three Dant Tians
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