R A Y began her studies of Internal Martial Arts after been diagnosed with a tumor in her womb. The key for survival was introduced to her in a form of a Qi gong practice by Calligraphy Health Master Yang and this unique system gave her health, life and happiness back after a lifesaving operation.
R A Y explored several other paths including, long distance running, triathlons and preparing for an Ironman. She had excellent trainers, coached, yoga and yoga synergy teachers prior meeting Master Zhenhua Yang and his unique systems, but the breakthrough happened to R A Y when she healed herself with the technique and started practicing together with others and became and instructor teacher of Qi gong, then later of Nei gong and Internal Martial Arts.
Under the scrutinizing eyes of R A Y's Master and teachers her ability grew wider and her knowledge deepened. The wide variety of experiences had made her become a confident and unique teacher with great compassion and awareness. R A Y has been teaching Qi gong in Budapest in her studios seven days a week, after a short time leading the body & soul team at Kaqun Buda Spa. R A Y is the owner of the beautiful 500 years old retreat center in Tuscany, Italy Thriving in Tuscany where she is organizing regular workshops, retreats, private and group sessions.