Pathway to a balanced life    Qi Gong | Nei Gong | Martial Arts

Breath Work

Primordial Breath

Learning to synchronize breaths with the contraction and expansion of the 3rd eye and lower Dan Tian (vital energy center) will aid the practitioner in exploring new levels of consciousness. Primordial Breathing is part of Static (Nei Dan) Sitting Qi gong. Also known as Embryonic Breathing, takes effort and time. Before proceeding with this Qi gong practice, practitioners have to learn how to control lower abdomen muscles, as well as master Normal Abdominal Breathing and Reverse Abdominal Breathing.

This technique will help you control your lower abdomen muscles and guide you through different exhaling processes as you breathe. These processes are known to not only prolong life but also cure several different sicknesses. This Qi gong technique requires deep concentration and a certain level of expertise to maximize its benefits.

Traditional Microcosmic Orbit

This will be an introduction to an ancient and advanced Qi gong way to meditate as you breathe with different breathing exercises. This will be only an introduction as it requires an advanced level in the Primordial Breath. This Qi gong technique requires deep concentration as you breathe to have the desired effect on the system. This is why it is also termed “Circulation of light”. It requires an expert level of breathing exercises to store and redistribute vital energy to the internal organs when mastering this process.

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